Minja Mertanen
Dancer, Dance Teacher
Dance and Movement Therapist
Yoga Teacher
Minja Mertanen has graduated as a Dance Teacher, Dance- and Movement Therapist and a Yoga Teacher. She has been teaching dance over 15 years to professional dancers, special groups as well as anyone wanting to dance. She has been giving private Dance and Movement therapy sessions as well as private Yoga sessions for the past years. Please don't hesitate to contact and ask.
She has been working in live art field of Finland in Other Spaces Collective and Reality Research Center. Last years Mertanen has been creating performances with Other Spaces and touring at festivals just to name a few: Official program of Aarhus Cultural Capital 2017, Access point festival 2017, Science Festival Edinburg 2015, AUARWIRLEBEN Bern, Switherland 2015, Nordwind Urban Species, Kampnagel, Hamburg, MIR Festival Athens 2013 and Biennale Venice 2013.
01 dance aND MOVEMENT therapy
What is Dance and Movement Therapy?
Dance and Movement Therapy is a greative art therapy given by professional graduated dance and movement therapist.
It can be used either for individuals or for groups.
Dance- and Movement Therapy is suitable for everyone. No previous experience about dance or movement is needed.
Methods used in Dance- and Movement Therapy
Methods used in Dance- and Movement Therapy are for example movement, image work, presence, breathing and relaxation techniques. We discuss about sensations, emotions and notions that rise up from methods.
In individual Dance- and Movement Therapy a client can explore privat matters in confidentiality of therapy.
In group therapy it is possible to explore typical ways to oneself to relate to others, ones position in a group.
Individual is present as a whole in Dance- and Movement Therapy
Dance- and Movement Therapy aims to overall wellbeing of a person. Dance- and Movement Therapy combines different aspects of experiencing: cognitive, emotional, and sensorymotoral aspects. Dance- and Movement Therapy provides possibility to listen bodily experiences and notions and explore the connection to feelings and ways of thinking.
Minja Mertanen has been giving private sessions of dance and Movement Therapy for years. She has also combined Dance and Movement Therapy approach to her artistic work. Reality Research Center had a performance concept about positive futures, Personal utopias. "Utopian Consultation" private sessions were given in elderly peoples house as well to the people recovering from drug addiction. Minja used Dance and Movement therapy methods in this performance.
Please don't hesitate to ask about private sessions of Dance and Movement Therapy
Tel: +358413139131